The track straightness deviation of the sliding contact line should be dealt with in time

2021-02-02 328 Font Size A - A A +

When installing the trolley wire, it is necessary to ensure that it is horizontal and vertical. If there is any problem or the track is not installed in place, it will actually have a very big impact. Everyone should also be aware that this type of slide track is frequently used daily, so some deviations are inevitable. When we carry out daily maintenance, we should do a good job of basic inspections. If there are really any problems, everyone should deal with them in time.

Deviations greater than 20mm need to be dealt with.

When checking the track of the trolley line on a daily basis, you must look at its straightness. If the deviation has exceeded 20mm, it has proved that we need to make subsequent adjustments. For this type of track, it is recommended that you should still check it every one or two months or so, at least once a quarter, so that you can know if there are any problems with the track. And if there really is a serious deviation problem, we must also make adjustments and cannot continue to use it.

Insulators, etc. have fallen and need to be replaced in time.

There are different types of insulators on the sliding contact line, so they are all protected to a certain extent, but in general, the insulators have a certain degree of oxidation. It may be a few years before the oxidation problem occurs, but it is also possible In some places with harsh environments, there will be some problems in a few months. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone should dispose of the insulator in time. If the insulator is really dropped, it needs to be replaced in time. Only in this way can the safe use of subsequent power projects be truly guaranteed.